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Lochsa Engineering provided the structural engineering services for Nunhems new onion bulb processing facility known as “Building Q”. The primary function of this $2.7 million structure is to provide the majority of the company’s local onion bulb storage and umbel drying needs. The Parma, Idaho Nunhems campus serves as the U.S. headquarters. Nunhems is part of Bayer CropScience, an industry leader in vegetable genetics. The 30,000 SF multipurpose facility was constructed of concrete spread footings, steel framing, and insulated metal panels which contain energy saving properties and make it a tightly sealed and easily controlled environment, needed for high quality storage. The space may be divided into halves with two specialized climate control systems serving each chamber and numerous drying fans located on the outside of the building for drying of onion umbels.

Completed: 2010

Services: Structural