This Frank O. Gehry designed project featured a 67,000 square foot, 4-story medical facility, museum, restaurant, and covered courtyard, along with civil improvements to support the development of the site. The entire building was designed utilizing Catia v.5 software.
The three dimensional nature of the building and lattice structure required all trades to work without the benefit of printed plans. The fabrication tolerances for the lattice structure and panels required Lochsa Surveying to provide an as-built survey at the completion of each stage of construction. All of the panels and support lattice were fabricated in Germany and assembled on site.
The civil plans were developed on a standard US Survey foot grid relative to True North, but the fabrication was developed on a site grid in millimeters, requiring Lochsa Surveying to translate, rotate, and scale the coordinates to match the needs of the client, and their consultants. Additionally, Lochsa Surveying was required to reference the original control as it was destroyed to make the roads along the perimeter of the site suitable for the Las Vegas Grand Prix in 2007.
Completed: 2010
Services: Civil, Surveying