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Lochsa Engineering provided the civil and flood control design for the 20-acre condominium towers site, as well as the design of the Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD) storm drain to convey the Blue Diamond Wash-Middle Branch through the site. The majority of the site was designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) as a floodplain (Zone AE/Floodway) for the Blue Diamond Wash.  


The project tasks included hydrologic modeling of the large watershed impacting the project site, hydraulic design for 1600lf of 28-ft x 7-ft cast-in-place storm drain facility, and obtained FEMA approval for the design in a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) application. Upon the construction of the flood control facility, Lochsa Engineering removed the designated Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) after obtaining FEMA approval for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). The design tasks also included the civil, hydraulic and structural design of several inlets, junction and transition structures, confluences and headwalls.

Services: Civil, Structural and Flood Control Design